Top 10 Signs of a Failing Water Heater

Top 10 Signs of a Failing Water Heater

A water heater is one of those home mechanics that seems to run on autopilot. But, unfortunately, they won’t last forever. Dealing with a broken water heater is no fun. Fortunately, they will usually give you some signs when they are nearing the end of their usefulness. Here are 10 signs of a failing water heater.

There’s No Hot Water

A hot water heater can only hold so many gallons of heated water. If a lot of hot water is being used, the tank most likely just needs to refill and reheat more water. But, if that’s not the case, something is definitely wrong. It could be as simple as a pilot light that has gone out, or it could be something more serious. There is any number of internal components that can fail over time. In any case, getting a professional plumber involved is the best way to find out if the broken water heater can be repaired or will need to be replaced.

The Water Isn’t Hot Enough

If the hot water is suddenly only getting warm, there could be a few different things going on.

  • The heating elements could be clogged or faulty, only able to heat the water to a warm temperature.
  • The thermostat could be failing.
  • Other internal components could be keeping the water from getting hot.

Are There Puddles of Water Around the Tank?

Water pooling on the floor around the water heater isn’t normal. There are a few different pipes leading in and out of the water heater, and any one of them could be leaking. Or, the worst-case scenario is that the tank itself is leaking. Unfortunately, that means that the water heater is broken and will need to be replaced by a professional plumbing company that offers water heater repair and installation.

Is There Rust on the Outside of the Tank?

Visible rust on the outside of the hot water tank is a sure sign of a failing water heater. It means that the moisture inside of the tank is somehow getting to the outside of the tank, causing it to rust. It’s only a matter of time until the rust eats all the way through the tank, causing even more issues.

How Old is the Water Heater

If a water heater fails, not only is there the inconvenience of not having hot water to deal with, but there could also be water damage depending on what caused it to fail. Today’s water heaters are made to last anywhere from ten to fifteen years. At that point, its a good idea to evaluate the performance of the water heater. Replacing an old water heater will avoid any potentially expensive repairs.

Does the Hot Water Have a Rusty Color

If the hot water has a rusty appearance, that’s not a good sign. While it could be coming from any water pipes that are carrying the hot water, chances are it means that there is rust inside of the water heater caused by the deterioration of the inner components. If the water heater is rusting so badly that it’s turning the water a dingy color, it’s time for a new water heater.

Is the Hot Water Gritty

Unfortunately, the water heater isn’t heating purified water, which means that there are a lot of foreign particles in the water that is being heated. Many of those contaminants will settle at the bottom of the tank. Over time, this sediment can be drained as a part of normal water heater maintenance. But, after too much time, if the sediment is allowed to build up, it will get into the hot water supply. When this happens, the hot water will feel coarse and gritty. And, all of that grit is corroding the inner workings of the water heater as well.

Does the Hot Water Have a Metallic Odor?

If it does, it’s not a good sign. It means that the metal components inside of the water heater are beginning to erode and get into the water supply. The metallic odor is just what it smells like; it’s tiny, microscopic bits of metal in the hot water supply. The hot water is essentially melting the water heater tank, which will cause it to fail.

Is the Water Heater Making Unusual Sounds

It should run very quietly. The pilot will light the burners to heat the water, and they will burn until the water is hot. These are the only noises that should be heard. And, they can only usually be heard from very close to the tank itself. Any other noises could be a sign of a failing water heater.

Are the Repairs Starting to Add Up?

Repair and maintenance are normal parts of owning a home or business. But, if an old water heater seems to constantly be in need of repair, it might make more sense to replace it with a new unit instead of continuing to pay for repairs. Not only will a new water heater save money on repair costs, they are actually much more efficient, meaning they will reduce utility bills as well.

If you are looking for someone that you can trust to take care of your water heater, or replace a broken water heater, give us a call today at Plano Plumbing. We have over 20 years of experience taking care of water heaters, as well as all of your other plumbing needs, in Plano and the surrounding areas.

Our team of certified, highly-trained professional plumbers will be able to quickly assess exactly what your water heater needs are. And, just because you are having issues doesn’t mean that you need a new unit. We’ll be able to give you your best options to get your hot water flowing again.

If you are having hot water heater issues, be sure to contact us today!

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