How Long Can A Slab Leak Go Undetected?

Slab leaks present a formidable challenge for homeowners, given their elusive nature and the hefty costs involved in repairs. These leaks, concealed beneath our floors, can persist undetected for days, weeks, or even months. But how long can a slab leak go undetected? Continue reading

How Dangerous is a Slab Leak?

You’re relaxing on a Sunday afternoon when suddenly, you notice a damp patch on your living room floor. On further inspection, it turns out to be a slab leak, but how dangerous is a slab leak after all? Continue reading

Why Do PVC Pipes Leak Under a Slab?

PVC pipes are commonly used in plumbing systems due to their durability and cost-effectiveness, but why do pvc pipes leak under a slab? Even the most reliable pipes can experience issues, and one of the concerning problems is leaks occurring under a slab. Understanding why PVC pipes leak under a slab is crucial for homeowners and building owners alike. In this article, we will explore the causes, signs, impacts, preventive measures, and repair options for PVC pipe leaks under a slab. Continue reading

Slab Leaks: Could it be a Water Slab Leak? How to Tell and What Action to Take

A slab leak is a leak in the water pipes under your home – specifically, under the foundation or concrete slab that your home is built upon.

Such a leak can cause damage to your home by flooding your home with water and destroying your flooring and causing damage to your sheetrock and paint. It can also lead to an increase in your water bill usage and charges, and your utility bill depending if you have a Gas/Electric Water Heater and your Slab leak is a hot water leak, which we estimate 80% of the slab leaks tend to be Hot Water Leaks rather than a cold water leak. Continue reading

Complete Guide to Gas Leak Detection

Many appliances in residential and commercial properties are gas-powered. Unfortunately, there are no standards or regulations when it comes to gas detection sensors, so they may not always be the most accurate. Gas leaks are a threat because of the risk of explosions as well as potential carbon monoxide poisoning and other health risks.  Continue reading

Water Leak Detection: How Does It Work?

Experiencing a water leak in your home is never a pleasant experience. Your first step is often to determine where the water leak is coming from. So, how does water leak detection work? Below, we’ll explore how water leak detection works and why it is important. Continue reading

Precautions To Take To Prevent Slab Leaks

In most residential and commercial properties, the plumbing system is found beneath a slab. However, in some buildings, the water lines are embedded directly in the slab. The slab in your home is the concrete flooring of your basement, which forms the foundation of your entire home. Continue reading

5 Most Common Causes of Basement Water Leaks and How to Fix Them

Most homeowners are probably no stranger to basement water leaks, and it is inevitable if you don’t put the proper preventative measures in place. Whether from the ceiling, floor or walls water damage from leaking pipes can ruin your belongings and leave you stuck with a hefty bill if it isn’t caught in time. If your leak doesn’t come from a broken pipe, here are five of the most common causes of water leaks and how to get a basement water leak repaired. Continue reading

Know Your Options: Repairing Slab Leaks

Slab leaks can lead to more severe problems and should be repaired as soon as possible. The leakage can cause hardwood floors to warp and contribute to mildew growth. Depending on the cause of the leak, seasoned plumbers can use appropriate slab leak repair options to solve the problem fast. Continue reading

What are the common signs of slab leaks?

Slab leaks are among the more frustrating plumbing problems that a homeowner can face. What makes these leaks especially vexing is that they are hard to access and can’t be fixed by the homeowner.

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